Turning, Moon Before Morning | W.S. Merwin
“My mission is to seek beauty, find humor, and bring joy.” – Susan Dworski
“And for all of us, no matter our domain, there’s the simple exhortation to turn in the direction of beauty. You don’t have to follow any particular faith or wisdom tradition to realize that the sacred and miraculous are everywhere—literally they are all over the place—even though we moderns tend to walk around not noticing them.
I used to puzzle over the nineteenth-century dictum that “beauty is truth, truth beauty.” I wondered how you could associate something as superficial as a pretty face or a pleasing picture with the moral grandeur of veritas. It took me decades to understand that the dictum was referring to beauty as a state we can access, for brief and transformative visits, through various portals: a midnight Mass, a Mona Lisa, a small gesture of kindness, a grand act of heroism.”
Bittersweet | Susan Cain