Hummingbird | Shimmer
The hummingbird is always in fight or flight. Weighing less than an oz, they almost always moving. They do everything in the air; their legs are basically useless.
In flight, they are magnificent creatures, their wings moving at 380 body lengths in a second, faster than the space shuttle, lots of ariel tricks. They have 100x metabolism of an elephant, and must eat constantly, 1000-2000 flowers a day. 15 gallons of pollen, 150,000 calories/day. Very territorial – can scare off hawks, speeding dives. True Davey and Goliath. It is also the only bird that can stand still. A moment of stillness in a crazy world.
But they are actually not still: actually flapping their wings so fast, it can not be registered by the human eye.
Meditation is not just about letting everything go. Stillness takes effort. Maybe that waterfall of thoughts is what you need to be still. Different than “moving,” – physically doing or checking things off of your life.
Take in the nectar of life, and marvel at the wonder of who we each are.
When hummingbirds travel together, they are a shimmer. A bouquet. A tune. Similar to when the water is still, it shimmers.
Thank you this day: for stillness, for perspective.
– Angela buchdahl