1/3 bar of Fels Naptha soap
1/2 cup Borax powder
1/2 cup Arm and Hammer Washing Soda
a bucket to mix/store
Grate or dice 1/3 of the fels naptha soap and put it into a large saucepan. Add 6 cups of water and heat until the soap melts. Add the washing soda and borax, and stir until it has dissolved.
Pour four cups of tap water into your bucket, add your soap mixture, and stir together. Add another 2o cups of water and stir to combine.
Let the soap cool and set-up for about 12-24 hours. The consistency should be somewhat jello-ish and somewhat liquid.
Add a 1/2 cup to each load.
The role of the ingredients:
Washing soda helps to deodorize, but fighting grease and stains is the primary purpose. Look for it in the drug store or supermarket, in the laundry, and cleaning supplies.
Borax is awesome! It’s a natural stain remover and an excellent alternative to bleach, because it’s an anti-fungal/anti-mold and all-around disinfectant. Coupled with regular soap, it greatly increases cleaning power. Look for it in the drug store or supermarket, in with the laundry and cleaning supplies.
Fels Naptha is a stain remover. Also, in the laundry aisle.