You have to do each movement the best you know how.

Open yourself to the world and it will open itself to you.

The first principle in making a living is knowing what you want to do and proceeding to do it until somebody pays you for it.

Listen to everything. See everything. How do you think I find money on the ground?

I didn’t learn to talk until I was 30. At that time, I started writing down my dreams.

Don’t try to do anything, just feel it.

Talk to the Budda in your father.

Give up wanting it so badly, and maybe you’ll get it.

I just decided to stop being nervous one day.

It’s emotionally draining to have to cope when you’re in a place where you don’t belong.

My first institutional creative effort when I took over CME was to have pot luck every Monday noon.

Don’t look inside, there’s nothing there.

You have to know what the problem is before you can do anything about it.

Let your body talk to you. You don’t have to control it.

You might as well do what you want to do because nobody will like what you do anyway.

Wherever there are military bases, there are characters around because it’s usually a power spot.

Not speaking up when it’s your duty is a form of passive aggression.

You have to send it out in order to get it. You can’t get it by holding onto it.

If I’m going to be a Christian, I want to be Jesus. If I’m going to be a Hindu, I want to be a guru. If I’m going to be a Buddhist, I want to be Buddha.

The only way to beat the authorities is to become one.

If you get set on one thing, the universe will come along and show you something else.

Give information. Get information.

You have to think more positively about being able to connect.

It’s good to have alternatives and to be able to say no to things.

Love is not about sex and stars in your eyes but about getting through the hard stuff.

You have to realize the power of your vibration and how it affects others.

Concentrate on the feelings wherever they are and see where they go.

Every decision made is a golden key.

If you’re going to do something, do it all the way.

You have to find your own people.

I’d rather be a Guru than a disciple.

Everyone is always trying to change the things that should remain the same.

People respond when they feel somebody cares.

I think if people can’t relate they shouldn’t be together.

The maturation process is about learning how to relax.

People always forget about maintenance and prevention.

I try to find situations that will make me change.

It’s good to go places and do things.

It took me a long time to learn how to spend money.

Keep your feet on the ground. Take vitamin B. And breathe deeply.

You have to stay strong for the others.

I do the things that I’m afraid of.

You’ll become interesting when you do what you want to do.

Everything that happens in the universe is a message.

Relax. Be confident. Don’t be projecting anxiety and guilt out into the universe.

You need patience and tools to work out your relationship with him.

There is work to do no matter where you are.

The older you get, the more you have to have priorities.

In everything essential, there is contradiction.

If you project fear, then other people can manipulate you. I stopped being afraid because I didn’t want to be manipulated.

Think big.

Nobody is going to find you if you don’t get yourself out there.

I just want to be myself in my own way.

Whatever you do you have to feel how it feels to be the other person.

I respond better to kind teaching than to harsh teaching.

You should be spending your energies toward your work, not promoting yourself. Leave that to the universe or to somebody else.

Find out the facts. Don’t imagine things.

Go slowly and concentrate.

It’s important not to create expectations.

The best thing President Nixon ever did was to lower the speed limit.

Just try to stay with your own program. Don’t try to please the judges.

I need to hear your feelings, not your decisions.

It takes a long time to get away from opting from power.

If you don’t take care of yourself, who will.

Don’t assume that what’s happened to you before will happen to you again.

I’m aware that everything I do has a price and I consider that before I do anything.

Just accept what you can do. Maybe what you want to do isn’t realistic.

You embrace it, take it in and realize that whenever you see a death, that’s your death.

On her Instagram, director Lisa Rovner posted a few excerpts from a little booklet of sayings by composer and musician Pauline Oliveros. (Oliveros is one of the artists featured in Rovner’s documentary, Sisters With Transistors.)

Artist Linda Montano made a video of the whole booklet: